The LiteShape™ Neck Lift: Minimally Invasive Neck Rejuvenation

Before and after neck lift in Louisville, KY The LiteShape™ neck lift is an innovative new approach to neck rejuvenation. Esteemed plastic surgeon Dr. Marc Salzman harnessed his decades of experience and combined it with the latest minimally invasive techniques to create the easier path to a youthful neck.

With this advanced procedure, you can address common neck concerns with smaller incisions and less downtime than a traditional neck lift. Read on to learn all about this exciting option for neck restoration.

What Is the LiteShape Neck Lift?

The LiteShape neck lift is a specialized procedure designed to address sagging skin, excess fat, and muscle banding in the neck area. Unlike traditional neck lifts, which may require longer recovery times and more invasive techniques, the LiteShape neck lift uses smaller incisions, advanced laser technology, and skin suspension sutures to tighten and smooth the neck.

The LiteShape Neck Lift Procedure

Dr. Salzman uses the state-of-the-art Vectra™ imaging system to project your results in a 3D image. This gives you a preview of your neck’s appearance after the procedure.

A LiteShape neck lift combines a few approaches into one.

  • Coherent Light: Heats and ruptures excess fat cells.
  • Liposuction: Removes the liquified fat cells using liposuction.
  • Skin Tightening: Another type of light energy promotes skin tightening (including prompting the body to make new collagen and elastin) from within the skin.
  • Skin Suspension: Permanent sutures, entwined with your neck muscles, elevate the neck skin and hold it in its new position. Over time, as you create new collagen, it grows around the sutures to help maintain your long-term results.

Because the procedure only requires tiny incisions, there’s less bleeding, fewer scars, faster healing, and easier recovery than a traditional neck lift. The LiteShape neck lift process only takes an hour and a half in our on-site surgery center, which has earned the “gold standard” certification for ambulatory surgery centers from the American Association for the Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgical Facilities (AAAASF). 

Good Candidates for the LiteShape Neck Lift

The LiteShape neck lift is generally ideal for minor or moderate aging in the neck. Good candidates typically want to address:

  • Fat deposits under the chin
  • Sagging neck skin
  • Vertical neck lines (turkey neck)
  • Lack of jaw definition

During your consultation, Dr. Salzman will assess your specific concerns and goals to determine if the LiteShape neck lift is the best option for you. Some patients add procedures like mini facelift or full facelift to their neck lift for comprehensive results.

LiteShape Neck Lift in Louisville, KY, and Sarasota, FL

If you’re ready to explore a LiteShape neck lift, call us at 502-425-5200 (Louisville, KY) or 941-348-1243 (Sarasota, FL) to schedule a consultation now.

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