Women interested in breast augmentation have a choice between saline and silicone. This may sound like an easy decision, but there are aspects of each type of implant that can create confusion. Silicone breast implants have been popular due to the natural looking and feeling results they achieve. On the other hand, silicone does create a minor health concern should an implant leak. Many women like the idea of saline breast implants because the substance that fills this type is nothing more than sterile salt water. However, saline breast implants are not known for their natural look and feel. At least, not until now.
Dr. Salzman has been at the forefront of plastic surgery for more than two decades. His experience includes frequent revisional and cosmetic breast procedures, which has positioned him as an excellent resource for information regarding breast implant types. His use of IDEAL breast implants enables patients to feel more confident in their consideration of the saline option.
Advantages of IDEAL breast implants include:
- Structured design. This implant is made to fit ideally into the natural contour of the chest wall. Sitting within this curve, the implant looks much more natural than many standard saline implants.
- Multiple layers. A traditional saline implant is a single-shelled structure that is inflated with saline. The IDEAL implant has multiple shells. Saline is inserted in between each layer so the fluid can move more freely and naturally. An additional advantage of multiple shells is that there is less of a risk that the implant will wrinkle or fold, a common problem with traditional saline implants.
- Because saline is inserted at varying depths within the overall implant structure, the risk of deflation or rupture is less than traditional models in which saline is contained in a single shell. Rupture and deflation are relatively uncommon. If this were to occur, the saline that leaks into the body is harmless. However, the damaged implant would need to be removed or replaced. Decreasing the risk of damage adds value to this implant option.
Breast augmentation is intended to give you a shape that is ideal for your overall proportions. To learn how the IDEAL breast implant can help achieve this, schedule a consultation in our Louisville office.