Breast Implant Placement

Breast Implant Placement (Over Vs. Under) In Louisville, Near Lexington, Kentucky


During a breast augmentation in Louisville, Kentucky, patients have some choice to where the implant will be placed. However, the expertise recommendation from Dr. Salzman is necessary to reach a desirable and aesthetically pleasing breast contour. Some placements are more ideal based on the patient’s natural anatomy, current breast fullness, and the quality of the skin elasticity.

When Dr. Salzman performs breast augmentations, he creates inconspicuous incisions with either the periareolar, inframammary, or transaxillary locations. These incisions vary based on the type of implant, size of implant, whether shaped or not, and variability in your physical anatomy. After the incision is made, the breast implant is inserted into a pocket in the following placements.

What is a submuscular implant placement?

Submuscular placement is when a breast implant is inserted under the pectoralis major chest muscle. Generally, this position offers more natural results since the implants will be covered by the muscle and the breast tissue. Additionally, it comes with a reduced risk of capsular contractures and visible wrinkling or rippling. Submuscular implant placement is usually an excellent option for patients who desire a combined breast lift or a lift in the future.

However, submuscular implant placement is slightly “more invasive,” with a day or two longer recovery time. Depending on the anatomy of the patient, some larger implants cannot be placed under the pectoral muscle because of inadequate space. In patients with wide breast bones, the submsucular placement may not allow the cleavage to be as narrow as when the implant is placed above the muscle.

What is a submammary or subglandular implant placement?

The subglandular, also known as submammary, implant placement places the breast implant between the existing breast tissue and the chest muscle. Some women who opt for silicone breast implants are excellent candidates for this placement when there is a fair amount of breast tissue overlying the implant or the breast has fallen down slightly on the chest wall after childbirth or weight loss. Because this location of implant placement does not necessitate the cutting of muscle, there may be a slightly shorter recovery time frame.

If you would like to learn more about breast implant placement options during breast augmentation, contact Salzman Cosmetic Surgery & Spa today to schedule your initial consultation. In all cases, Dr. Salzman is in the optimal position to determine the best implant placement for you.

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