Male Breast Reduction In Sarasota, FL and Louisville, KY

Male Breast Reduction in Louisville & Lexington, KT


There are multiple causes of male breast enlargement (also called gynecomastia), including drugs, steroids, and natural hormonal changes with puberty. Dr. Salzman will address the different types of enlargement with either liposuction or a combination of liposuction and excisional removal of breast tissue.

What is Gynecomastia?

It’s surprising, but it’s believed that around half of all men suffer from some form of gynecomastia, or having enlarged breasts. Most of those men never do anything about it or even suspect it of being a “condition.” But having enlarged breasts can really impact a man’s self-esteem.

Gynecomastia, a word of Greek origin meaning “woman-like breasts,” can affect one or both breasts. The condition is common and well understood in teenage boys but is somewhat of a mystery in adult men.

Three-quarters of all teenage boys have gynecomastia to some degree. It’s a direct result of puberty, where estrogen and testosterone levels can be off the charts, leading to enlarged breasts, along with acne and other teenage issues. Luckily for teenagers, once puberty ends so does their gynecomastia in the vast majority of cases.

In adults, breast enlargement usually arises in middle-aged and older men. This is a time of shifting hormones, too, and that is thought to play a role. It is also believed that certain medications have links to gynecomastia: steroids, antibiotics, anti-anxiety drugs, heartburn treatment drugs, tricyclic antidepressants, and AIDS treatment drugs. Steroids, in particular, are linked to enlarged breast development in men due to their hormonal makeup. Heavy drinking and marijuana use are also thought to be triggers.

What is Male Breast Reduction Surgery?

Male breast reduction surgery with Dr. Salzman reduces a man’s enlarged breasts back to normal size. These procedures typically involve removing breast tissue from behind the areolae, along with some fatty tissue in most cases. These procedures give a man back the self-confidence to take his shirt off without feeling self-conscious about his enlarged breasts.

What Causes Enlarged Male Breast?

An enlarged male breast is caused by excess fat, excess glandular tissue, or a combination of both. Common causes are excess weight during puberty, as well as drugs like marijuana, certain antidepressants, and steroids.

Who is a Good Candidate for Male Breast Reduction?

man before male breast reduction surgery

The question of whether surgery can fix a patient’s condition involves ruling some things out. If a man’s enlarged breasts are due to weight gain, the first step is to lose the weight and see if the condition persists. Heavy drinkers and marijuana users also aren’t candidates for surgery, as their breast enlargement comes from their lifestyle choices.

Dr. Salzman can diagnose when true gynecomastia is to blame. He will feel for a firm, rubbery mass underneath the nipple area. The size of this mass is usually less than two inches in diameter. It will sometimes be sensitive to applied pressure. It is important that the patient still has good elasticity in his chest skin so that it can tighten down over his slimmer contour after surgery.

What Are the Benefits of Male Breast Reduction?

What is the benefit of improved self-esteem? What’s the benefit of not worrying if people are whispering about your “man boobs” when swimming out at the lake or pool? Although many men have this condition, it’s difficult individually to feel you’re not the only person with larger than normal breasts. This surgery with Dr. Salzman can make you feel confident about taking off your shirt at the pool, when doing yard work on a hot Kentucky day, or at the gym after a workout. The surgery is simple; recovery is easy. It’s a great procedure for the right candidates.

How is Male Breast Reduction Surgery Performed?

The surgery is done in our state of the art, nationally certified in-office operating room under a general anesthetic. The condition is often directly tied to excess glandular tissue and some extra fat of the chest wall. Dr. Salzman can remove this through small incisions made around the areola and in the breast crease. This makes scarring virtually invisible. Through these small incisions, Dr. Salzman removes excess glandular tissue, fat, and possibly some skin. In many cases where the enlargement is mostly fat, liposuction may be all that is needed. These are not complicated procedures.

Recuperation and Healing

You will go home several hours after gynecomastia surgery to be cared for by a friend or relative. A compressive vest or chest wrapping is usually indicated for a week or two after surgery to help reduce swelling. Sutures are hidden under the skin and dissolve on their own in several weeks. Initial soreness lasts a few days and is controlled by oral analgesics. Swelling and bruising will resolve between 10 to 14 days after treatment.

What kind of results can I expect from male breast reduction?

There is a stigma attached to having enlarged breasts when you’re a man. It can make a man avoid situations when he would need to take his shirt off, such as turning down an invitation to a pool party/barbecue. With true gynecomastia, the enlarged breasts are due to hormone fluctuations that are a part of normal aging. Having a few extra pounds can only exacerbate the problem by adding a little fatty tissue. When Dr. Salzman performs these procedures, we hear feedback from patients saying it’s the first time in years they’ve felt comfortable taking their shirt off. It seems like a small thing but reducing enlarged breasts can really improve a man’s self-esteem. These procedures will slim the contour of your breasts to normal proportions. Scars are very small and virtually invisible. These are satisfying procedures for our patients from Louisville, Lexington, and the surrounding areas.

Is this procedure permanent, or will I need reduction again?

Patients wonder if this surgery will need repeating later on. True gynecomastia, versus enlarged breasts due to weight gain or other lifestyle factors, is caused mainly by excess glandular tissue. This causes the protrusion of the nipple-areola complex. In male breast reduction surgery, Dr. Salzman removes the majority of the mammary gland, leaving enough to support the nipple-areola. With this tissue gone, the chances of recurrence are very low.

However, if the gynecomastia was due to the use of steroids, marijuana, or other medications, it is possible for a patient’s breasts to become enlarged again if usage is continued. Also, a sizeable increase in weight can allow fat to accumulate in the breasts, although this isn’t true gynecomastia.

If you want to maintain your new chest contours, keeping to a healthy weight, and moderating your alcohol or marijuana use will be necessary. Steroid use would fully need to cease, as enlarged breasts are a direct side effect.

How soon after breast reduction surgery can I get back to normal activities?

It is unfortunate that more men who suffer from enlarged breasts don’t have surgery to correct the problem. After the first week or two at most, patients can return to light exercise, such as walking. Strenuous exercise needs to wait for a month or so. But you’ll quickly be able to return to work and regular activities. Any exercise, such as weight training that targets the chest, will likely need to wait for about six weeks.

What are the risks involved with male breast reduction?

These are not difficult procedures. They involve small incisions and a small amount of tissue manipulation. Still, they are surgery, so all of the risks inherent with surgery are involved: reaction to anesthesia, excessive bleeding, infection, poor incision healing, and the like. These are all quite rare. The main risk with male breast reduction surgery is possible loss of some sensation around the nipples. This is also quite rare, and if sensation is impacted this is usually only temporary.

Other Options

Additional procedures that will enhance the results are liposuction of excess fat in the armpit area, contouring and flattening the abdomen with liposuction, and/or a tummy tuck.


The specific risks and the suitability of Male Breast Reduction for a given individual can be determined only at the time of consultation. All surgical procedures have some degree of risk. Minor complications that do not affect the outcome occur occasionally. Major complications are unusual.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you're interested in learning more about male breast reduction please contact us for a consultation at 502-425-5200 or fill out our contact us form. We will discuss your needs and concerns, and determine your best course of action.

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