Preparing For Surgery

After your consultation with Dr. Salzman, you will meet with our patient care coordinator who will go over the fees for both the surgery itself and for the anesthesia and facility. Our patient care coordinator can work with you to find a time that best fits your schedule. Try not to plan surgeries too close to important events such as vacations, weddings, or other life events.

Preoperative Visit

About three weeks prior to your chosen surgery date, you will meet with Dr. Salzman’s nursing staff. An extensive, personalized preoperative booklet will be presented and reviewed. In this booklet are instructions for everything that will transpire from before surgery to after. We will review any medications that should be avoided before surgery. Any blood work, vision assessments, or pre-operative physician clearances that will be necessary will be scheduled. Breast implant sizes will be chosen and, when necessary, custom body sculpting garments will be sized. The chosen location of your procedure and its starting time will be provided. At the end of this appointment, you will again meet with our patient care coordinator who will collect the fees for your surgery. This visit takes approximately 45 minutes to one hour, so we ask that you plan accordingly.

BLOGThe Importance of Certification in Plastic Surgery Nursing

The Day Of Surgery

Someone will have to bring you to our facility and take you home on the day of surgery (we recommend a close friend or family member). Please arrive on-time. Wear comfortable clothing that is easy to change into and out of. Please bring any surgical garments that you have been given. Bring something to read or music to listen to. Please don’t eat or drink after midnight the night before, and this includes gum, hard candy, water, and coffee. Leave all personal items and jewelry at home. Do not wear makeup or colored nail polish. Remove all piercings. Remember that all surgery times are estimates only. On occasion, we will run early or late. Please be flexible in that regard.

After Your Procedure

Someone will have to stay with you on the first night. If you cannot find someone to do this, our office can arrange for a private duty nurse to accompany you home and care for you. Your booklet is a good resource for managing your expectations of how quickly you will heal. Be patient. There will be swelling and bruising, which will resolve over the next few days or weeks. If you have questions, your booklet contains all the telephone numbers to reach both Dr. Salzman and/or a staff member. Don’t hesitate to call. You are not expected to know everything, and sometimes reassurance that what you are experiencing is normal is a great relief.

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